
AfriLabs, the largest pan-African network of 158 technology and innovation centers in 45 African countries is pleased to announce its partnership with the Division of Human Resource and Youth Development in the Department of Human Resource, Science and Technology within African Union Commission to host the 2019 AfriLabs Annual Gathering.

Every year, AfriLabs organises its Annual Gathering to provide a unique opportunity for tech and innovation hubs within the AfriLabs network and other stakeholders in the African innovation ecosystem like local innovators (entrepreneurs), corporates, investors, academia and developmental agencies to convene, network and share knowledge.

The fourth edition of the AfriLabs Annual Gathering themed ‘Connect: Towards an Integrated Innovation Ecosystem’ is scheduled to take place from the 28th – 30th of October 2019. The event will focus on building collaborative and sustainable systems and creating synergies that will pave the way for the African innovation ecosystem to thrive and contribute to the social and economic development of the African continent.

This is a significant partnership that launches a deeper engagement between the African Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and African member states, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and other multilateral development organisations working with the African Union Commision and collaboratively moving towards our common vision of an integrated and prosperous African continent.

We are calling on other partners and ecosystem stakeholders interested in contributing to the social and economic development of our continent to work with us and our community of innovation hubs across the continent to achieve a successful Annual Gathering 2019 and ultimately our vision for Africa – Anna Ekeledo Executive Director, AfriLabs.

As we make concerted efforts to realising the development of the continent under the forward-looking 1 Million by 2021 Initiative, it gives us great pleasure to partner with AfriLabs on providing a unique opportunity for tech and innovation hubs. The efforts to effectively harness Africa’s demographic dividend can only be accelerated in collaborating with dedicated stakeholders. We remain grateful to these partners who are as invested as us in ensuring that the potential of youth on the continent is realised by tapping into these areas which recognise the importance of digital skills as an avenue to achieve sustainable economic development. – H.E Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor, Commissioner of Human Resources, Science and Technology


This collaboration is part of a broader agreement with the HRST Department to support the ‘1 Million by 2021’ Initiative, launched by the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat. The initiative seeks to implement tangible interventions in the key areas of Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship and Engagement (4Es), and aims to reach at least 1 million youth by 2021 through these key areas.

AfriLabs will be partnering with HRST to support the initiative as well as the youth empowerment and development work on the continent.

In light of the foregoing, both parties have agreed to explore and implement mutually rewarding viable initiatives focused on, among others, the following areas of cooperation;

  • Co-hosting the AfriLabs Annual Gathering 2019 and other relevant events.
  • Collaboration on deploying digital skills training to African youth by curating training content, deploying through virtual and physical spaces including AfriLabs members hubs and labs.
  • Collaboration on engagement platforms aimed at building and managing responsive innovation ecosystems.
  • Technical Support and partnership with AUC through linkages with relevant AUC policy Organs, Members States and RECs to facilitate enhanced policy dialogues, and alternative learning pathways, resources and tools to enhance quality access to Education and Engagement Opportunities.


About AfriLabs

AfriLabs is the largest pan-African network of 158 innovation and Technology hubs across 45 African countries aimed at supporting the growth of technology hubs and their communities to raise high potential entrepreneurs that will stimulate economic growth and social development in Africa. Our vision is an African continent characterized by open collaboration, African made solutions and jobs for all driven by technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.Visit to learn more about AfriLabs and Register to attend at

About The African Union Commission’s

The Department of Human Resource, Science and Technology (HRST) within the African Union Commission is mandated to coordinate and oversee continental action on human resource development, Education, Science, Technology and promoting youth development agenda.

The 1 Million by 2021 Initiative aims to galvanize political action and commitment from development partners. The initiative targets 1 million young people through direct investments and essential game-changing interventions while also responding to fundamental questions on new approaches to solving existing problems targeted towards African realities. Through coordinated and focused implementation, the overarching goal is that the direct and accumulated impact on the lives of young people should reverberate across the continent.

Visit to learn more about African Union Commission’s 1 Million by 2021 Initiative.

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