
Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest- Call for External partner 2024


AfriLabs is a non-governmental organization that supports over 450 Innovation Centers across 53 African countries to unlock Africa’s vast potential and drive sustainable economic growth through investment, innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship.



2.1 Request for External Part – 2024 Africa Hubs Ecosystem Report

AfriLabs is requesting expressions of interest from reputable consultants across Africa to apply and register with the organization to manage the research, analysis, and production of the “2024 Africa Hubs Ecosystem Report.


AfriLabs welcomes Expression of Interest (EOIs) from interested parties for this service. EOIs must be submitted following this document and all guidelines must be followed to submit a conforming EOI. 


All submissions must meet the requirements in this document to be deemed conforming under the selections category in the Expression of Interest process. 


All individuals or organizations existing or not previously registered with AfriLabs will be required to fill out the Request for Information Form attached and are welcome to submit/resubmit their Expression of Interest. 


Through the expression of interest received, a prequalification session is conducted and qualified consultants will be on-boarded to the organization’s database.



The following standard conditions apply to this Expression of Interest Application


3.1 General Conditions

  • All applicants acknowledge that AfriLabs retains the right to accept or reject proposals.

  • Any cost incurred by applicants for the creation of their Expression of Interest must be borne by the applicant. Hence, AfriLabs will not be responsible for any expenses whatsoever.

  • No legal or other obligations shall arise between any applicant and AfriLabs until formal documentation has been signed.


3.2 Conflict of interest.

  • Any conflicts of interest must be identified and written documentation provided explaining the conflict of interest in detail; at the time of lodgement of this EOI.

  • If the conflict of interests is not disclosed and discovered at a later date, AfriLabs retails the right to cancel the contract with the approved applicant.



  1. Open Invitation to submit an Expression of Interest.

  2. Timeline for applicants to submit applications.

  3. Expression of interest closes on the 5th of June 2024.

  4. All applicants are notified of applications received.

  5. Applications assessed.

  6. The shortlist will be generated for suitable applicants. 

  7. Unsuccessful applicants notified.

  8. Successful shortlisted applicants notified.



Africa is undergoing a transformative period marked by significant growth in innovation and entrepreneurship. This transformation is driven by the rapid development of tech hubs and innovation ecosystems across the continent. To capture and analyze this dynamic landscape, we are commissioning the “2024 Africa Hubs Ecosystem Report.” This report will be developed in partnership with AfriLabs, the largest network of tech innovation hubs in Africa, encompassing over 450 hubs across 53 countries.


The objective of this EOI is to seek an external partner to manage the research, analysis, and production of the “2024 Africa Hubs Ecosystem Report.” The selected partner will be tasked with conducting a thorough and methodical investigation into the state of tech hubs across Africa, leveraging AfriLabs’ extensive network and resources, as well as other relevant data sources. This includes gathering and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data to provide a detailed and accurate mapping of the tech hubs ecosystem.

The report will assess the impact of tech hubs locally, regionally, and on a continental level, particularly in terms of their offerings, fundraising capabilities, job creation, innovation outputs, and their role in fostering entrepreneurship. The analysis will provide a nuanced understanding of how these hubs contribute to economic growth, social development, and technological advancement within their communities, regions, and across Africa as a whole. Furthermore, the report will include an analysis of the sectors in which these hubs operate and foster innovation and entrepreneurship.

The partner will identify key challenges that these hubs face, such as funding shortages, infrastructure deficiencies, regulatory hurdles, and talent acquisition issues. In addition, the partner will offer actionable recommendations aimed at stakeholders, including policymakers, investors, and hub managers, to foster a more supportive and sustainable ecosystem. The overarching goal is to produce a comprehensive, insightful, and impactful report that drives informed decision-making and strategic planning, ultimately contributing to the growth and development of the tech innovation landscape across Africa.



The selected external partner will be responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Literature Review:

    • Conduct an extensive review of existing reports, articles, and academic papers on African tech hubs and innovation ecosystems.

  2. Data Collection:

    • Design and deploy surveys targeting tech hubs, startups, investors, and other stakeholders within the AfriLabs network and beyond.

    • Gather data from additional sources such as government reports, industry publications, and independent research studies.

    • Conduct interviews and organize workshops with key ecosystem stakeholders.

  3. Case Studies:

    • Develop in-depth case studies of selected tech hubs from various regions, showcasing diverse models and success stories.

  4. Data Analysis:

    • Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to identify trends, challenges, and opportunities within the ecosystem.

  5. Report Writing:

    • Compile the findings into a comprehensive report that maps the African tech hubs ecosystem, evaluates their impact, and provides policy recommendations.

  6. Impact Assessment:

    • Evaluate the impact of tech hubs locally, regionally, and continentally in terms of offerings, fundraising capabilities, job creation, innovation outputs, and entrepreneurship support.

  7. Dissemination:

    • Facilitate the dissemination of the report’s findings through workshops, presentations, and digital platforms.


  • Project Plan: Detailed project plan including timelines and milestones.

  • Survey Instruments: Designed and tested surveys for data collection.

  • Interim Reports: Periodic updates on progress, including preliminary findings.

  • Final Report: A comprehensive report detailing the African tech hubs ecosystem, including case studies, analysis, and recommendations.

  • Presentation Materials: Slides and other materials for disseminating the findings to stakeholders.


The project will be executed from June 2024 to October 2024, divided into the following phases:

  1. Phase 1 (June 2024): Project planning, stakeholder engagement, and literature review.

  2. Phase 2 (July 2024): Data collection through surveys, interviews, and workshops.

  3. Phase 3 (August-September 2024): Data analysis and development of detailed case studies.

  4. Phase 4 (October 2024): Report writing, validation with stakeholders, and publication.



The ideal external partner should possess:

  • Proven experience in conducting large-scale research projects, particularly in the innovation and tech sector.

  • Expertise in data collection, analysis, and report writing.

  • Familiarity with the African tech ecosystem and its unique challenges.

  • Strong project management skills and the ability to work collaboratively with multiple stakeholders.


Interested parties should submit the following:

  1. Technical Proposal: Outline your approach to the project, including methodology, work plan, and timeline.

  2. Financial Proposal: Detailed budget breakdown.

  3. Qualifications: Evidence of relevant experience and expertise, including CVs of key personnel.

  4. References: Contact information for at least three references from similar projects.


Reviewers will be required to maintain confidentiality throughout the review process and disclose any potential conflicts of interest. Measures will be in place to ensure impartiality and fairness in the evaluation of applications.


Interested vendors and/or consultants are required to submit the following documents where applicable:

  1. Filled Request for Information Form.

  2. CV/Resume, Portfolio, or Profile (alongside a LinkedIn account link) where applicable.

  3. Company Certificate (If the applicant is a company).

  4. Company Registration Documents (If the applicant is a company).

  5. Tax Identification Number.

  6. Showcase previous projects and clients in relevant sectors.

  7. Submit CV and Information of qualified technical staff (where applicable).

  8. Means of Identification (International Passport or Driver’s license)

  9. References: Contact information for at least three professional references from NGOs & government organizations.



  • Interested consultants should download the Request for Information Form, fill, sign or stamped and submit together with other documents. 

  • All expressions of interest should be submitted via email to by the specified deadline 5th June,  2024 with the Subject: Call for Expert: 2024 Africa Hubs Ecosystem Report


Request for Information form for Nigerians

Request for Information form for Non-Nigerians


Note: Late submissions will not be considered. Also, in case you are unable to download the form, kindly send an email to to request for it.


We appreciate your interest in working with AfriLabs, and we look forward to reviewing your submissions.