Monthly Update: October
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Résumé Des Activités De Septembre À Afrilabs
Chers AfriLabbers, Septembre est venu avec de nombreuses opportunités pour les hubs, les entreprises et les entrepreneurs au sein et en dehors de la communauté AfriLabs. Catalytic Africa, un […]
La communauté AfriLabs se déploie dans un nouveau pays – la Mauritanie et compte 27 nouveaux membres
Dans le cadre de nos efforts continus visant à soutenir les communautés d’innovation locales, AfriLabs a accueilli 27 hubs d’innovation dans son réseau. Ainsi, le plus grand réseau panafricain de […]
Moetaz Helmy est le nouveau Président du Conseil d’Administration de AfriLabs au moment où AfriLabs élit ses nouveaux membres du Conseil
Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer l’élection de nouveaux membres au conseil d’administration de AfriLabs. AfriLabs a maintenant une nouvelle présidente, un nouveau secrétaire, un nouveau représentant francophone et un nouveau […]
AfriLabs proudly announces Ethiopian Airlines as its Official Airline Partner for the AfriLabs Annual Gathering
We are excited to announce Ethiopian Airlines as the official airline partner for the 2021 AfriLabs Annual Gathering. Operating at the forefront of technology, the airline has become one […]
Promoting African Start-ups for the Continent’s Urban Future: Smart Cities Innovation Programme launched by Rwandan-German Development Cooperation
Africa is rapidly urbanising. The United Nations predict that Africa’s population will grow faster than in any other part of the world, with over half of the continent’s populace residing […]
AfriLabs Elects a New Board Member
The AfriLabs Annual General Meeting held on the 7th October 2020 and it was the first Virtual General Meeting due to the COVID-19. During this meeting, a new board member, […]
Country in Focus: Kenya “East Africa’s Money Magnet”
To highlight the ever-growing and diversified community of the AfriLabs network, we are pleased to introduce our new series on our community and their impact in their respective countries. Today’s […]
Opening remarks by Anna Ekeledo, Executive Director, AfriLabs at the Rollo Africa Masters Final Presentation
Good evening everyone and Welcome to the final Rollo Masters event. I would like to first acknowledge the presence of representatives from the African Union and UNDP, our partners on […]
Promoting African Start-ups for the Continent’s Urban Future: Smart Cities Innovation Programme launched by Rwandan-German Development Cooperation
Africa is rapidly urbanising. The United Nations predict that Africa’s population will grow faster than in any other part of the world, with over half of the continent’s populace residing […]